News : Interviews

December 04 2017

Interview: Aurélie di Nola, Director, Corporate Relations, Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma

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Engineering and services firm ONET and Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma recently signed a partnership agreement. How many corporate partners does the school currently have? We signed the agreement with ONET on October 12. The company offers a wide range of services that align with our programs (electronics, embedded systems, nuclear engineering). With ONET we now […] >>

October 02 2017

Interview: Marie-Noëlle Semeria, Director, Leti

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Leti just turned 50. What are the institute’s priorities today? Leti’s goal is to leverage the 300 mm platform and advances in FDSOI to remain a leader in miniaturization technologies. Microelectronics is Leti’s home playing field. It is a diverse topic that offers many opportunities to integrate, transfer, and transpose new technology. True to Leti’s […] >>

June 07 2017

Jean-Charles Guibert, Director, MINATEC; Advisor to the CEA Chairman for International Innovation Projects

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MINATEC’s international reputation is what convinced the CEA to appoint me to this new position.”   In April of this year, you were appointed Director, MINATEC, Advisor to the CEA Chairman for International Innovation Projects. What is your mandate? The objective is to support the development of the CEA’s international relations. The CEA’s network of […] >>

April 03 2017

Interview: Stéphane Renard, Founder and CTO, Tronics Microsystems

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Tronics Microsystems was founded in 1997. Can you tell us how it all came about? During the 1990s, Leti had developed innovative sensor technologies for several manufacturers looking to create products like accelerometers and pressure sensors using these technologies and penetrate new high-growth markets. At the time, I also wanted to seize the opportunity. So […] >>

February 06 2017

Interview: Thierry Bosc, Clinatec

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Your matching gift campaign brought in €10 million in donations. Were you surprised? The matching gift concept is still very uncommon in France, and it had never been used for such a large fundraising campaign. We didn’t think we would get there this fast! Our sponsors, working under the watchful eye of Alain Mérieux, helped […] >>
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