News : Interviews

December 05 2016

Interview: Anna Choulier Renström, Leti

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What is Leti’s strategy for CES 2017? Our booth will be twice as big as last year’s. We will showcase three interactive demonstrator systems that will let visitors experience and test our technologies and understand the technologies’ features. Three startups will be coming with us: e-Lichens, with us in 2016; Moovlab, which was just created; […] >>

October 03 2016

Interview: Jérôme Casas, Biologist, Tours University

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In March you took on a new role: heading the Grenoble-based Instituts Carnot Chair for Bio-inspired Technology. What’s it all about? I’m a guest researcher, and will be spending at least 20 days per year on site. I’ll be helping Leti researchers on several projects that should ultimately produce demonstrator systems. The first two involve […] >>

June 06 2016

Interview: Michel Barsoum (Drexel University, Pennsylvania)

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Michel Barsoum (Drexel University, Pennsylvania): « I hope to spend more time in Grenoble in the coming years » You are known worldwide for your work on materials, particularly MAX phases. What brought you to Grenoble for three months? In materials science, to gain real understanding of a material you need large single crystals. The […] >>

April 01 2016

Interview: Marie-Noëlle Semeria, Director, Leti

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Marie-Noëlle Semeria, Director, Leti: « Leti appeared in the international press 50 times after CES 2016 »   How did Leti’s trip to the Consumer Electronics Show 2016 go? Leti and the startups that went along with the institute came away with several hundred leads—contacts with representatives of manufacturing companies working in all countries and […] >>

February 05 2016

Interview: Pierre Benech, Director, Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma Engineering School

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" Student entrepreneurs innovate at Phelma " Pierre Benech, Director, Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma Engineering School   How does Phelma help student entrepreneurs? Our first two students to have obtained “student entrepreneur” status—a French government program—are Pierre Schefler and Nicolas Schoemaker. During the 2014–2015 academic year they set up their company on top of […] >>
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