News : Interviews

December 08 2015

Interview: Nanowirebased flexible LEDs a first step toward flexible displays

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Interview: Christophe Durand, Research Scientist, INAC « Nanowirebased flexible LEDs a first step toward flexible displays»   INAC and three other institutes* have developed the world’s First two-color, nanowire-based Flexible LEDs.   What does this advance mean? Flexible LEDs are a prerequisite to flexible, bendable displays. They are currently being made from organic compounds at […] >>

October 05 2015

Interview: Alain Briand, head of business creation support

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“€96 million in eighteen months for CEA Grenoble’s startups” Is this an exceptional era for startups based in Grenoble? Sixteen startups from our research environment raised the record sum of €96 million from some 40 investors in just eighteen months. Aledia raised over €28 million, in addition to the €19 million raised by Crocus Technologies, […] >>

April 02 2015

Interview: “Standards will help us position our technologies”

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Dominique Noguet, Head of Communication and Security Technology, Leti, an institute of the CEA “Standards will help us position our technologies” Leti has been working on a standard for cognitive radio since 2011. Why? We developed a cognitive radio technology that leverages TV white space. In other words, it takes advantage of UHF bands allocated […] >>

February 02 2015

Interview: Saïd Obbade, Materials physicist, Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma School of Engineering

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“Phelma expects to have signed partnership agreements with nearly 20 businesses by the end of this year” How many businesses have signed agreements with Phelma so far? Since 2011, around ten businesses have signed or renewed partnerships with the school. At the end of 2014, missile manufacturer MBDA joined a circle of partners that includes […] >>

November 30 2014

Interview: Sorin Cristoloveanu, IMEP-LAHC

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Sorin Cristoloveanu, IMEP-LAHC: « SHG gives us a new SOI wafer characterization technique » US-based equipment manufacturer FemtoMetrix has just installed its first-ever Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) instrument at IMEP-LAHC. Read on to learn more about this innovative prototype. SHG is a surface and interface characterization technique for thin layer materials. Here is how it […] >>
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