News : Interviews

October 06 2014

Interview Florian Pebay-Peyroula: We have to do more to fight against counterfeit circuits

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Florian Pebay-Peyroula, head of Leti’s Communicating Objects and Systems Security Lab: « “We have to do more to fight against counterfeit circuits” » Leti was involved in the ENIAC TOISE (Trusted Computing for European Embedded Systems) project, which was completed in April 2014. What was the outcome? The project involved seventeen partners from industry and […] >>

June 02 2014

Interview: Isabelle Guillaume, General Manager, Minalogic

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 “Our goal is to turn more projects into commercially-viable products” The French government is pushing the country’s clusters to make the transition from “project factory” to “product factory.” What does this mean for Minalogic? As a member of the national competitive cluster system, we are aligning with this objective. We started by assessing the 46 […] >>

April 01 2014

Jean-Michel Fournier, head of the integrated systems design apprenticeship program at Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma

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Jean-Michel Fournier, head of the integrated systems design apprenticeship program at Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma “It took our apprentices about a semester to get their bearings”   What does the first incoming class in the integrated systems design apprenticeship program look like? The class has ten students, nine male and one female. All have a […] >>

February 03 2014

Interview: Feriel Mélaine – Ph.D. candidate, Nanobioscience, INAC-SPrAM

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Feriel Mélaine – Ph.D. candidate, Nanobioscience, INAC-SPrAM Editor of student newspaper Chercheurs d’horizons for the 2012–2013 school year Ph.D. students produce their own newspaper   Your student newspaper Chercheurs d’horizons is written entirely by Grenoble University Ph.D. students. Can you tell us more about it? The newspaper was launched in 2010–2011 following a workshop given […] >>

December 02 2013

Jean-Luc Vallejo, ISKN* (iSketchnotemaker): “Crowdfunding put us six to twelve months ahead of schedule.”

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You raised $346,000, nearly ten times your original goal. Did that surprise you? It did! We set out to raise $35,000, hoping to maybe reach $100,000. But interest in the project was clear virtually from the beginning. We reached our goal of $35,000 in the first fourteen hours of the month-long campaign! Looking back, I […] >>
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