News : Education

June 07 2021

Fab lab encourages engineering students to “do it yourself”

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  • Life @ MINATEC
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The new fab lab at Grenoble INP – Phelma, UGA is home to an array of computer-controlled and other equipment including 3D printers and machining, folding, and cutting tools. Students will find everything they need to build whatever they need for their engineering projects at the fab lab! the 50 sq. m lab on the […] >>

April 05 2021

Covid and equal opportunity: Phelma remains vigilant

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Grenoble INP – Phelma has been working hard to ensure that all students and, especially the most vulnerable, have been getting the help they need since September. Financially-needy students benefited from fifteen laptop computers on loan from the school so that they could keep up with their online classes. And, to keep people connected, the […] >>

April 05 2021

Maxime Leprince’s mouth-watering Three Minute Thesis

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Maxime Leprince, who is doing his PhD at CEA-Leti’s DTBS and CNRS lab CERMAV, earned great reviews for his Three Minute Thesis. After coming through the regional finals with flying colors, he went to the French national semifinals on April 1, where, unfortunately, his adventure came to an end. Maxime, who is developing conductive and […] >>

April 05 2021

Internet of Things: Making security better, together

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The European DigiFed project, coordinated by CEA-Leti under the IRT Nanoelec* technology research organization, brings together sixteen European SMBs around cybersecurity for IoT applications. Specifically, the project partners are investigating the use of STMicroelectronics’ STM32MP1 microprocessor to enhance the security of embedded software. Each SMB partner brings a unique use case with its own communication […] >>

April 05 2021

Becton Dickinson now a Grenoble INP – Phelma partner

  • Education
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The French subsidiary of Becton Dickinson (BD), a leading global manufacturer of medical and diagnostic equipment, became a Grenoble INP – Phelma partner in late 2020. BD develops and commercializes innovative solutions for medical research and improved patient care. Over the next three years, the company will play an active role in campus life and […] >>
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