News : Education

April 05 2021

Germanium-laser-on-silicon contacts could become more stable

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Optronics researchers love the idea of germanium lasers on silicon—but the devices’ contacts are highly thermally unstable. In a world-first, a PhD research project being conducted at CEA-Leti has explained this unpredictable behavior. PhD candidate Andrea Quintero has published ten papers on the phenomenon over the past three years, even winning a Best Paper Award […] >>

April 05 2021

Infrared holography could provide faster, more accurate cancer diagnosis

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Diagnosing cancer from a biopsy currently takes between two days and two weeks. A PhD research project underway at CEA-Leti could help make analyzing biopsies faster and more accurate. The non-operator-dependent method would utilize infrared holography, taking advantage of the specific absorption wavelengths of the DNA, proteins, amides, and other biochemical molecules characteristic of biological […] >>

February 01 2021

Grenoble INP-UGA online Open House

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The eight schools of Grenoble INP-UGA and the INP preparatory program will hold their Open House on Saturday, February 27. For the first time ever, the event will be 100% virtual. Each of the schools, including Phelma, will have its own virtual exhibit booth, plus hangouts and breakout spaces for one-to-one meetings. Around 20 people […] >>

February 01 2021

JSIam 2021 to bring PhDs and business pros together online

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The organizers of the Junior Scientist and Industry Annual Meeting (JSIam) announced at the end of January that they would make the March 11 event 100% virtual. The purpose of JSIam is to raise up-and-coming research scientists’ awareness of the career opportunities available to them outside of government research. The event is intended primarily for […] >>

February 01 2021

Interview: Grenoble INP third-year student and cofounder of the Think What Matters student collective, David Martin-Chevalier

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Tell us about Think What Matters. We are a collective of around ten students from Grenoble INP, Sciences Po Grenoble, UGA, and INSA Lyon. We started the collective in late 2019 to make information about the environmental transition more accessible and, therefore, make the transition more inclusive, something that was missing. We organize lectures and […] >>
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