News : Education

December 04 2017

Innov@School gets high-schoolers working on low-tech solutions

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The next session of the Innov@School high school outreach program will get students* to explore how to meet basic needs like lighting and cooking in a city ravaged by a natural disaster. Students will discover how to innovate and use low-tech solutions to effectively reuse items that no longer work and how to produce energy […] >>

December 04 2017

First-ever Phelma open house to be held in March

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  • Life @ MINATEC
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Phelma will hold an open house for high school, preparatory, tech college, and university students and their families on Saturday, March 3. One of the goals of the open house is to promote the Electronics, Microelectronics, and Telecommunications program, which combines classroom learning with in-company experience. Visitors will get to meet with students and faculty, […] >>

October 03 2017

Growing numbers of Phelma students opt for work-study programs

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  • Life @ MINATEC
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Work-study programs are increasingly popular at Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma engineering school. This year, 21 students were admitted into the work-study program, up from 14 the previous year, exceeding the school’s target. While the program mainly focuses on integrated systems design, its name was recently changed to Electronics, Microelectronics, and Telecommunications (EMT). Graduates of […] >>

October 03 2017

Women in Science competition: Now is the time to enter

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  • Life @ MINATEC
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To promote the “Women in Science” collection recently created at the Phelma library, APMST, a French non-profit group promoting gender equality in the sciences, is running an original competition to get people reading! Both women and men are eligible to enter. Participants must read one of the 49 books in the collection and do a […] >>

October 03 2017

Grenoble strengthens ties with Latin America

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 The NanoAndes school has been held every year since 2010. This November, a new school, MEMS-AL, will kick off in Bogota. Research scientists from Leti and Grenoble-Alpes University will teach students the basics of MEMS, IoT, and Big Data over the five days of the session. NanoAndes, held in Buenos Aires, will cover nanomaterials and […] >>
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