News : Education

June 07 2022

Y.SPOT Partners welcomes two artists-in-residence

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Atelier Arts Sciences, which moved into Y.SPOT in March, is currently hosting two artists-in-residence whose work will be shown at the next Biennale Arts Sciences in October.A theater company (La Fabrique des petites utopies) is exploring a reinterpretation of the audio guide concept through a project called Lunettes Junes Verne (Jules Verne Glasses).The immersive glasses […] >>

June 07 2022

Antennas can be printed on 3D objects with plastronics

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The six-year MINT Chair on plastronics recently wrapped up its research. IMEP-LaHC, LG2P, and the S-mart Grenoble Alpes CIM platform will continue to evaluate the potential and performance of the RF antennas developed.What makes these antennas unique is that they are printed directly onto different-shaped 3D objects using jetting* print heads mounted on six-axis robots. […] >>

June 07 2022

The Grenoble branch of nonprofit Cheer up! gets back to work

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More than 200 runners entered the Race Against Cancer organized by Cheer Up! on April 10. The Grenoble INP – Phelma, UGA student nonprofit helps people between the ages of 12 and 25 living with cancer.The race raised more than €3,000, marking the nonprofit’s post-pandemic comeback.The funds will be donated to Institut Curie and Fondation […] >>

June 06 2022

Smaller reversible fuel cells could be more powerful

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Miniaturizing reversible fuel cells could be the best path toward higher power densities.The Adfun project, a joint effort between LMGP and Imperial College London, is testing this hypothesis through two PhD research projects, one on new materials and one on advanced electrochemical interface characterization.LMGP will focus on an unconventional cathode material, lanthanum nickelate, which will […] >>

April 03 2022

Three Phelma students to sail to the Caribbean

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Second- and third-year Grenoble INP – Phelma, UGA students Enola, Élia, and Carla will be embarking in October on a sailing adventure to the Caribbean for their gap year..The trio set up a nonprofit called Trimousse in late 2021 to raise elementary school students’ awareness of environmental issues and get kids in Grenoble and the […] >>
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