News : Education

February 05 2016

Interview: Pierre Benech, Director, Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma Engineering School

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" Student entrepreneurs innovate at Phelma " Pierre Benech, Director, Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma Engineering School   How does Phelma help student entrepreneurs? Our first two students to have obtained “student entrepreneur” status—a French government program—are Pierre Schefler and Nicolas Schoemaker. During the 2014–2015 academic year they set up their company on top of […] >>

February 04 2016

Heterogeneous reactors and reactions class to be held on March 13–18

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A special winter session on heterogeneous reactors and reactions will be held on March 13–18 at Alpine ski resort Les Houches. The program, offered by Codegepra (the region’s process engineering development committee), will feature a review of basic concepts as well as numerous business cases on fuel cells, lithium-ion batteries, biomass gasification, CO2 capture, water […] >>

December 08 2015

Silicon photonics on course for reaching speeds of 10 Gbps and up

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Leti is setting a new state of the art in silicon photonics link speeds. According to a dissertation on the topic defended in October by a Leti PhD candidate, the link speeds could reach up to 10 or even 15 Gbps in the coming years with subpicojoule- per-bit power. Specifically, the research focused on rapid […] >>

December 08 2015

Europe blazes its own trail in nanoelectronics

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Neireid, a Horizon 2020 project, kicked off on November 16, 2015, under the watchful eye of Francis Balestra (IMEP-LAHC). The project will establish Europe’s nanoelectronics roadmap to 2025 and beyond. Europe no longer wants to simply follow the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), which is global in scope and whose focus is limited to […] >>

December 08 2015

EcoMarch center slated to open in 2018

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The EcoMarch center for the design of architectured materials will open its doors in 2018 on the Saint-Martin d’Hères campus. The center is destined to become one of Europe’s leading hubs for eco-effi cient materials design. And, like MINATEC, it will build strong synergies between education, research, and industry, most notably via technology transfer. The […] >>
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