News : Education

December 08 2015

Sylvain Lodiot shoots for the stars (and comets!)

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What engineer hasn’t dreamed of breaking the career mold with an exceptional job? ENSPG (a founding school of Phelma) alumnus Sylvain Lodiot is living the dream, piloting the Rosetta space probe from the European Space Operations Center. But the job is a surprisingly complex one, involving 1,000 to 1,500 remote control commands per day. Each […] >>

December 08 2015

Crystalline super-networks for super thermal insulation

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It is generally accepted that the thermal conductivity of a crystalline material is lowest when the material is in its amorphous form. Researchers from INAC and LiPhy* recently used numerical simulation to show that thermal conductivity could be reduced two- or even three-fold by organizing the crystalline material in super-networks—which means stacking nanostructured multilayers in […] >>

December 08 2015

Beads help map the optical near-field

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A team of researchers from INAC, LTM, and Institut de Bourgogne showed that it is possible to map optical near-fi eld phenomena in silicon nanocavities without using combined optical-AFM techniques like near-fi eld scanning optical microscopy (SNOM). They did it using a camera, a regular microscope and 0.5 micron fl uorescent beads, achieving resolutions comparable […] >>

December 08 2015

LMGP a step closer to automated bioactive film production

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Catherine Picart’s team at LMGP plans to use the €150,000 it received from the ERC BioactiveCoating project to optimize the automated production of layer-by-layer polyelectrolyte films that trap the proteins that induce bone regeneration during reconstructive surgery. The films, which count between 2 and 50 layers, are produced through a time-consuming manual process. The researchers […] >>

December 08 2015

World’s first microsystem fabricated on 300 mm wafers

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This summer, researchers at Leti fabricated the world’s first M&NEMS micro-accelerometers on 300 mm wafers, sending three crucial messages to the academic and industrial research and development communities. First, the research proved that MEMS, or microelectromechanical systems, can be fabricated on 300 mm wafers, the largest format used in microelectronics. This advance will give MEMS […] >>
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