News : Education

June 01 2015

Grenoble Institute of Technology Youth Ambassadors

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The Grenoble branch of the Jeunes Ambassadeurs (Youth Ambassadors) program enjoyed an evening in the spotlight at a gala dinner held on April 9 in St. Etienne. The dinner was attended by some 300 young people, corporate coaches, and program partners. A team of three Grenoble Institute of Technology students brought home first prize for […] >>

June 01 2015

Ense3 moves to 1:1 demo building

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On September 7 Grenoble Institute of Technology-Ense3 (the Institute’s school of energy, water, and environmental engineering), will begin the school year at GreEn-ER, the Presqu’ile’s new innovation center for energy and renewable resources, located at 21 avenue de Martyrs. Exemplary in its energy usage, the school’s new building is a living lab for energy management […] >>

June 01 2015

Phelma revises curriculum for first-year students

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The 2015–16 school year will mark the rollout of a new first-year curriculum at Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma. The scope of the PMP (physics, materials, processes) and PET (physics, electronics, telecoms) core curricula will be broadened to six 32-hour science courses. The new curriculum will minimize dispersing core content across too many courses and sharpen […] >>

June 01 2015

American students say “Yes!” to GIANT’s summer program

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  • Life @ MINATEC
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The fifth annual GIANT International Internship Program (GIIP), which kicked off at the end of May and will continue for 10 weeks, saw record enrollment. GIANT laboratories are hosting 27 international interns, from undergrad through to post-doc, almost all from the United States. In contrast, in 2011, GIIP’s first year, there were only seven interns. […] >>

April 02 2015

Phelma student reports on stay in Japan

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Phelma student Florian Castellane is crazy about robotics. Last year, he decided to take a gap year in Japan, where he spent time at a signal-processing lab at Tokohu University in northeastern Honshu. He is currently working on his culminating project on reconstructing 3D scenes from video at Japan’s National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo. […] >>
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