News : Education

April 02 2015

Grenoble Institute of Technology adventure Race turns 20 this year

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The 20th annual Grenoble Institute of Technology Adventure Race will take place from May 8–10, offering up three days of outdoor thrills instead of the usual two. A total of 30 mixed-gender teams (150 participants) will hit the trails in Savoie and Chartreuse for a grueling 160 km route with an elevation gain of 5,500 […] >>

April 02 2015

PhD career placement one of IRT Nanoelec’s new priorities

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IRT Nanoelec is rolling out a new strategy for 2015–2017 with three main pillars. One of the pillars is career placement for PhDs in electronics. IRT Nanoelec will be working with Grenoble-Alps University’s Doctoral School using data from the Employment Observatory to come up with a more accurate picture of PhDs’ prospects. The goal is […] >>

April 02 2015

Inno’Cup Junior showcases teen inventors’ bright ideas

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The final round of the Inno’Cup Junior challenge will be held at MINATEC on July 8 and 9. This national competition* is the latest incarnation of the Franco-American Young Innovators Award. It targets a broad audience—anyone between the ages of 15 and 18 with a new idea can take part. Plus, participants don’t need any […] >>

April 02 2015

Phelma’s driverless car in Freescale Cup European finals

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For the first time ever this year, a duo of students from Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma engineering school has entered the Freescale Cup, an international student competition in which teams must build and program a smart miniature vehicle capable of navigating a 300-meter circuit, unseen before the actual competition, in the shortest possible amount […] >>

April 02 2015

Nanotech program enrollments 75% international

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The international micro and nanotechnology program Nanotech is ushering in a particularly cosmopolitan class this year. Of the 38 students accepted into the program, 20 are from Italy and 9 are from France. The rest come from Ukraine, Russia, Greece, Egypt, Vietnam, and elsewhere. In terms of gender representation, however, there is still room for […] >>
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