News : Education

October 06 2014

Grenoble Institute of Technology ranks high for innovation

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Grenoble Institute of Technology won first place for innovation and research for the fourth time in five years in a ranking published by Industrie & Technologies magazine. The school came in ahead of big names Polytechnique and INSA Lyon, most notably due to its high number of Ph.D. and post-doc students (911) and impressive annual […] >>

October 06 2014

Phelma 2014–2015 admissions right on target

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The 2014–2015 academic year is underway, and Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma engineering school is right on target in terms of admissions. This year, the school admitted 365 first-year students, down from 381 last year. The school decided to limit this year’s incoming cohort in order to lighten the administrative workload. Nearly two-thirds of this year’s […] >>

October 06 2014

Jean-Marc Dedulle to head continuing and executive ed at Grenoble Institute of Technology

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Jean-Marc Dedulle was appointed director of Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Division of Continuing and Executive Education. Dedulle, who formerly served as Phelma’s head of corporate relations, succeeds Didier Pellegrino. The appointment is the logical next step in a 20-year career that has continuously balanced roles in education, research, and industry. Furthermore, he will continue to […] >>

October 06 2014

Speech-recognition on your tablet now possible

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Leti recently helped create a demonstrator for a local, on-the-fly speech processing system using a multicore platform similar to those used in today’s tablets. The demonstrator has a 5,000-word vocabulary and can decode speech at speeds that set a new record for embedded applications. Currently, the majority of speech recognition systems use remote servers, which […] >>

October 06 2014

Fluorescence imaging guides prostate biopsies

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Prostate biopsies, which are performed if a cancerous tumor is suspected, could become more accurate and reliable thanks to a new fluorescence imaging technique. Leti researchers partnered with academic scientists and an SME to develop a new fluorescent marker coupled with a combined optical-ultrasound probe. The system renders any tumors visible for priority sampling during […] >>
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