News : Education

October 06 2013

Grenoble proud to host Conférence des grandes écoles for the first time

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Some 200 presidents from France’s top-tier universities will come to Grenoble on October 10–11, 2013 for a meeting of the prestigious Conférence des grandes écoles (CGE). The meeting will be hosted by Grenoble Institute of Technology and Grenoble Ecole de Management, and will take place on the Phelma campus. This year’s theme, “Innovation and value […] >>

June 10 2013

Productive fun in store at the 2013 Phelminaire

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The 2013 Phelminaire, a day-long seminar for Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma faculty and staff, will be held at the school’s campus on July 1, 2013. Some 100 people are expected to attend. The morning program will include a series of small-group workshops on teaching-related issues, using fun activities like role-playing games and panel discussions to […] >>

June 10 2013

Phelma introduces a work-study program for micro and nanoelectronics

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This fall Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma will kick-off France’s first work-study program for micro and nanoelectronic systems design. This program was developed in association with Grenoble-area high-tech businesses and was approved by the regional government in April 2013. The program will give engineers the theoretical knowledge and real-world experience to design integrated systems. It aims […] >>

June 10 2013

Grenoble Institute of Technology neck-and-neck with Polytechnique

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Grenoble Institute of Technology came in second place in the latest ranking of France’s 100 top engineering schools, just behind rival Polytechnique. In terms of R&D, Grenoble Institute of Technology jumped from seventh place in 2012 to first place this year. The ranking is put together every year by L’Usine Nouvelle magazine. In 2013 the […] >>

June 10 2013

Body Area Networks gain traction

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You’ve probably heard of people being equipped with sensors, like athletes who want to study their body movements or the elderly who receive remote care. But figuring out how the electromagnetic waves propagate isn’t easy, since the human body itself is an obstacle that can interfere with waves’ behavior. This is a major challenge in […] >>
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