News : Education

June 01 2012

Manufacturers help shape academics at Phelma

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As at all Grenoble Institute of Technology schools, each academic program at Phelma undergoes a periodic review. Last year, the Electrochemistry and Processes for Energy and the Environment program went under the microscope. This year, two additional programs are undergoing a review: Systems and Microsystems for Physics and Biotech in February and Physics and Nanosciences […] >>

June 01 2012

Mark your calendars for the fifth Phelma Partners Day

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Some 40 companies and nearly 800 students are expected at this year’s Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma Partners Day on October 18, 2012. The event is being organized by the school’s Corporate Relations and Communications Departments and Phelma Junior Consultants. The morning program will include four talks at Maison MINATEC on: the climate for SMEs in […] >>

June 01 2012

Engineers and scientists—want to try your hand at teaching?

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Faced with an explosion in the number of tutorials and lab courses being offered to its first-year students, Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma is making an appeal to MINATEC engineers, scientists, and PhD students to lend a helping hand. The goal is to hire around 30 temporary teachers for subjects like math, physics, electrical engineering, automation, […] >>

June 01 2012

Paris engineering students spend a day at the CEA

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Two École Centrale Paris professors—Dr. Emmanuel Defaÿ and Dr. Alexandre Reinhardt—brought their second-year materials process engineering students to MINATEC for a day to learn about the CEA’s latest research. The twelve lucky students visited the B2I showroom, Leti’s clean rooms, and several CEA labs focused on biology, healthcare, and energy harvesting. They also got to […] >>

June 01 2012

Phelma graduates make a splash in the job market

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According to the latest job placement survey of top-tier French universities (by the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles), nearly 80% of the Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma Class of 2011 was employed (including PhD research assignments) two months after graduation, at an average salary of nearly €35,000. 40% of the jobs were in the Rhône-Alpes region, 20% […] >>
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