News : Education

June 01 2012

Phelminaire puts the spotlight on teaching in 2012

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The fourth annual Phelminaire—a day devoted to recognizing the hard work done by the Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma faculty and administration—will be held on July 2, 2012. This year will see two exciting new changes: first, the venue will be transferred to the Phelma campus at Saint-Martin-d’Hères; and second, the program will be enhanced to […] >>

June 01 2012

IRT Nanoelec slated for €160 million of government funding

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The IRT Nanoelec research institute was founded on April 11, 2012 through a joint venture between the French National Research Agency (ANR) and the French Atomic and Alternative Energy Commission (CEA), and comprises 17 public- and private-sector research partners—including Leti and Grenoble Institute of Technology. The institute is slated to receive €73 million of French […] >>

June 01 2012

Nanotech meets biotech at the MIGAS® summer school

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The 2012 MIGAS® international summer school on advanced microelectronics will bring together 50 research and teaching faculty, PhD students, and industry professionals in Autrans, France, from June 23 to 29, 2012. This year the focus will be on micro and nanotechnology for biology and medicine, with a series of lectures, panel discussions, and poster sessions […] >>

June 01 2012

Phelma’s management team gets a makeover

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Following the appointment or election of three of Phelma’s senior managers to the Grenoble Institute of Technology management team—Anne Vilcot as Vice President of Human Resources, Lorena Anghel as Head of the Doctoral School, and Didier Bouvard as Vice President of the Scientific Board—Phelma is pleased to announce four new appointments. Stéphane Pignard has been […] >>

June 01 2012

Grenoble’s iGEM team ready to select a project

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The cross-university team that will represent Grenoble in the 2012 iGEM synthetic biology competition is gearing up to make its final selection between two possible projects: adding an innovative genetic network to a shared bacteria so that the bacteria can visibly detect a pathogen and secret a molecule to destroy it; or, enhancing a genetic […] >>
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