News : Education

October 03 2021

Anne Vilcot reappointed director of Phelma, focuses on 2030 strategy

  • Education
  • Life @ MINATEC
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Anne Vilcot, director of Grenoble INP – Phelma, UGA since 2016, was reappointed for a new five-year term. She will be focusing on two major projects as part of the school’s 2030 strategy.First, with several department heads expected to retire in the next two years, the school will need to plan ahead for a smooth […] >>

October 03 2021

Nonprofit La Puya Internationale on the ground in Madagascar

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Nonprofit La Puya Internationale, of which MINATEC is a long-standing partner, was established to facilitate scientific cooperation. Next on the agenda is a session on solar photovoltaic energy in Madagascar from December 6 to 12. Around 30 graduate students will attend this summer school on renewable energy, which will include hands-on workshops via Zoom.Fianaralab, a […] >>

June 07 2021

New Masters in Biorefining and Biomaterials

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  • Life @ MINATEC
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The Masters in Materials Science and Engineering at Grenoble INP – Phelma, UGA has added a new specialization: Biorefining and Biomaterials. The focus is the conversion of biomass into environmentally-friendly synthetic gas, hydrocarbons, cellulose fibers, biosourced cosmetics, and biomaterials. The curriculum covers all stages of the transformation process, from plant material to fibers, and, finally, […] >>

June 07 2021

Middle-school science competition garners 350 entries

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A total of ten CEA scientists and technicians gave GIANT’s “Affiche ta science” poster competition a helping hand this year, traveling to fourteen middle schools across the Isère district to talk about their careers. They also gave presentations on specific topics like microfluidics for medical applications, clean vehicles, low-temperature technologies, and cryogenics for space. The […] >>

June 07 2021

Osiris robotic irrigation system could help make farming more sustainable

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Once upon a time there were three engineers, and all three came from farming families. One day, they decided to invent a smart, autonomous robot to help farmers spend less time irrigating, fertilizing, and protecting their crops. They also wanted the robot to make more economical use of water and agricultural inputs. The name of […] >>
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