News : Industry

June 07 2021

Startup Vulkam sets sights on space market

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Since the beginning of the year, Vulkam, a startup founded by a SIMaP scientist in 2017, has secured two space-related R&D contracts with Thales and LYNRED. The company develops ultra-insulating materials that offer remarkable performance. Specifically, Vulkam develops amorphous metal alloys, Vulkalloys®, whose atoms are reordered in such a way as to optimize a given […] >>

June 04 2021

Antibody engineering: CEA project wins Sanofi award

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For the past several years, Institut Joliot (CEA Saclay) and Irig have been working together to combine their Polaris(MD) multi-scale molecular simulation and BigDFT massively parallel quantum chemistry codes. Pharmaceutical company Sanofi deemed the project worthy of one of its iTech Awards, and will fund research to apply the approach to an antibody-antigen complex to […] >>

April 05 2021

New ultra-low-power shape recognition

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A new shape-recognition sensor developed by CEA-Leti and STMicroelectronics is making headlines for its extremely-low power consumption, which, at 10 microwatts, is 1,000 times lower than commercially-available solutions. Five years in the making, the innovation is protected by a handful of patents on its pixel reading mode, data formatting, machine learning algorithms, optimized architecture, and […] >>

April 05 2021

Becton Dickinson now a Grenoble INP – Phelma partner

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The French subsidiary of Becton Dickinson (BD), a leading global manufacturer of medical and diagnostic equipment, became a Grenoble INP – Phelma partner in late 2020. BD develops and commercializes innovative solutions for medical research and improved patient care. Over the next three years, the company will play an active role in campus life and […] >>

April 05 2021

Grapheal raises €1.9 million for its digital biosensors

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Startup Grapheal, founded in 2019 by scientists at Institut Néel, recently raised €1.9 million in capital. The influx of funds will go to R&D and clinical trials of the company’s flagship smart dressing for chronic wound monitoring and fast Covid-19 saliva test. Both products are built on the same sensing device engineered from an atomic […] >>
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