News : Industry

October 05 2015

With HAP2U, touch screens get touchable texture

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After going home with the Forum 5i trophy in May, the startup HAP2U, located at CIME-Nanotech and cofounded by Cédrick Chappaz (formerly from STMicroelectronics), is enjoying remarkable success. The company’s multi-patented technology, which gives texture to touch screens, could potentially help fuel e-commerce. The innovation leverages the “air layer” effect, where ultrasound waves create a […] >>

October 05 2015

FDSOI design: Promising start for Silicon Impulse

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Where can you design, prototype, and actually manufacture small runs of FDSOI circuits? Only at Leti’s Silicon Impulse design center! Whether you want to test a technology or scale it up for manufacturing, the center has everything you need. Founded in March 2015, Silicon Impulse has already drawn attention from numerous manufacturers and academic laboratories […] >>

October 05 2015

Interview: Alain Briand, head of business creation support

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“€96 million in eighteen months for CEA Grenoble’s startups” Is this an exceptional era for startups based in Grenoble? Sixteen startups from our research environment raised the record sum of €96 million from some 40 investors in just eighteen months. Aledia raised over €28 million, in addition to the €19 million raised by Crocus Technologies, […] >>

October 05 2015

Five CEA Tech startups win national awards

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The annual i-Lab startup competition organized by France’s Ministry of Higher Education and Research has become a rite of passage for new businesses. And once again this year CEA Tech startups brought home an impressive number of awards, confirming Grenoble’s strong capacity to develop innovative solutions for industry. The five award-winning CEA Tech startups are: […] >>

October 05 2015

The Internet of Things heads to the beach

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This summer, the first group of women to test a connected swimsuit equipped with a miniature UV sensor were spared the unpleasant experience of a sunburn. The swimsuit—the first of its kind— sends a “use sunscreen” warning to the wearer’s smartphone when the sun gets a bit too hot! Spinali Design, a startup based in […] >>
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