News : Industry

June 01 2015

The Airboard, for faster proof-of-concept

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Leti engineer Olivier Ménard raised $65,000 from some 1,000 backers in 55 countries during a recent Kickstarter campaign for the Airboard, a personal project of Ménard’s. And just what is the Airboard? A miniature, open-source, communicating (by Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Sigfox, etc.) computer that can be used to quickly program IoT prototypes to confirm proof-of-concept. A […] >>

June 01 2015

MultiX raises €3 million in fresh capital

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MultiX, a company specializing in X-ray spectrometry-based subsystems for detection applications, has brought in €3 million from a group of investors that includes CEA Investissement. The company raised €3 million in 2011 and €4 million in 2013. MultiX technology is used in airport baggage scanners and food-industry inspection equipment. MultiX is pursuing its partnership with […] >>

June 01 2015

Datacom-dedicated optical multiplexer achieves record stability

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Leti researchers teamed up with two manufacturers to produce an optical multiplexer for datacoms (links from 1 meter up to 10 km) as reliable as its current competitors. This in itself is a great achievement. Even more impressive, however, is that the researchers actually improved reproducibility for each batch of wafers. The research, which leveraged […] >>

April 02 2015

Tronics announces successful IPO

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Tronics announced the success of its IPO on the Alternext Paris market on February 9. IPO investors netted a 25% gain on the offer price of €13.20 before trading closed for the day ; the company raised €12 million in fresh capital. The funds will be used to support development in Asia (North Korea, China, […] >>

April 02 2015

Enerbee brings in €2.5 million in capital

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Enerbee, the company that developed a microgenerator to enable self-powered connected objects, raised €2.5 million in capital in March. Enerbee’s unique technology, combining magnetic and piezoelectric materials, makes it possible to harvest the energy from an object in motion, even if that motion is very slow or irregular. It leverages research conducted at Grenoble Institute […] >>
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