News : Industry

December 03 2012

Isorg wins fans with its interactive displays

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Isorg’s interactive displays are designed to power up and launch multimedia presentations as soon as someone walks by, thanks to a system of optical sensors on plastic developed in association with Liten. You can see these next-generation displays in action at the Minalogic offices, the CEA communications department at Saclay, and the many demonstrations given […] >>

December 03 2012

Movea penetrates the context detection market

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High-tech start-up Movea has won a five-year contract to supply its cutting-edge context detection technology to a manufacturer of smartphone and tablet microprocessors. Movea has been trying to break into the context detection market for the past 18 months, and this new contract win, which is expected to generate substantial sales, marks a major step […] >>

December 03 2012

Europe gets its first CMOS-MRAM demonstrator

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Researchers from the French Nanoscience and Cryogenics Institute (INAC) and Spintec have developed a new logic circuit that combines CMOS and MRAM technology. This patented invention uses MRAM from Crocus Technology and marks Europe’s first working demonstrator of its kind. MRAM offers two key benefits: it’s non-volatile and it doesn’t need a power supply when […] >>

December 03 2012

Tuberculosis skin test results available in just 18 hours

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Until now patients wondering whether they have tuberculosis had to wait a full 72 hours before finding out the results of a skin test. A new optical read system developed by Leti under a Lyon-Biopôle project funded by the French government has reduced the waiting time to 18 hours—and waiting time could even be slashed […] >>

December 03 2012

Ultra-wideband and RFID make a winning combination

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Leti researchers are getting ready to transfer to industry a new wireless communication system that combines ultra-wideband and RFID technology. The new system can transfer data between a mobile phone and a RFID tag at an impressive rate of 100 Mb/s, while using just a few mW of power. Data are stored locally, so users […] >>
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