News : Innovation & Society

June 06 2016

2016 MIGAS summer school to be held near Bologna

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After several sessions held in the Vercors mountains near Grenoble, the MIGAS international summer school for advanced microelectronics will move this year to Italy, and the Bertinoro international conference center affiliated with Bologna University. So, why the move? Because the venue will also host an EU Horizon 2020 workshop on the Nereid project, led by […] >>

June 06 2016

MOOC on habitable exoplanets

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More than 3,000 students are enrolled in a new MOOC on habitable exoplanets that launched on June 1 on the FUN* platform. The course was created by Grenoble-Alpes University and the Grenoble Universe Science Observatory under the direction of astronomer Jean-Charles Augereau. Content was contributed by nine scientists, including Phelma graduate and INAC PhD candidate […] >>

June 06 2016

Aryballe Technologies sees fast development and raises €2.6 million

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Just two years after it was founded, Aryballe Technologies has raised €2.6 million in fresh capital from five investors, including the CEA. The influx of funds will pay for industrial scale-up of the company’s product—a portable, universal odor detector—and the start-up of manufacturing operations in early 2017. The new investors were won over by the […] >>

June 06 2016

CEA to organize two-day sustainable mobility event

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  • Life @ MINATEC
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The sixth CEA Sustainable Mobility Days, to be held on September 23–24 at MINATEC, will coincide this year with the 60th anniversary of CEA Grenoble. Friday’s program will be targeting companies and government agencies, with the 2nd national conference on mobility planning (French Ecology Minister Ségolène Royal is invited) and talks on various innovative-mobility topics. […] >>

June 06 2016

Midis MINATEC brown-bag lunch talks tally up more than 80,000 attendees

  • Innovation & Society
  • Life @ MINATEC
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MINATEC’s weekly brown-bag lunch talks are more popular than ever! Since 2008, the talks have brought in more than 80,000 attendees, with an average of 270 people each week over the past three years. The 300th Midi MINATEC will be held in September. The talks are free of charge and sandwiches are on the house. […] >>
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