News : Innovation & Society

April 01 2014

From Facebook to LinkedIn with the Phelma student club

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In April the Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma student club will offer a new workshop to help students get control of their online presence. While most students are well-versed in online social networks, they are not as comfortable on professional networks like LinkedIn—a crucial resource in the career placement process. The workshop will help the school’s […] >>

April 01 2014

LMGP finds inspiration in international sabbaticals

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LMGP is pleased to be hosting Hironori Yamazoe, a researcher from the University of Tsukuba on sabbatical in Grenoble since mid-March. Yamazoe is an expert in microtechniques used to selectively deposit proteins on biomaterials—a process that could be used to build musculoskeletal tissue. And on July 1st, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Amy Wagoner-Johnson […] >>

February 03 2014

Hybrid-En platform gets off to a running start

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The €1-million Hybrid-En platform for developing advanced energy generation and storage systems started up in early February. Located in the 10.05 Building, this 300 m2 facility brings together physicists and chemists to conduct experiments at the crossroads of semiconductor and polymer research. The scientists come from INAC, CNRS, and UJF, and will conduct early-stage and […] >>

February 03 2014

Book translation strengthens ties with Latin America

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For the past several years, the Franco-Peruvian organization Puya de Raimondi (headed by a CEA scientist) and the NanoAndes network have been fostering research ties between France and Latin America. This transatlantic collaboration recently marked a new milestone with the publication in Mexico of Física de semiconductores y componentes electrónicos—the Spanish translation of a book […] >>

February 03 2014

A breakthrough RFID tag compatible with metal objects

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  • Life @ MINATEC
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Leti—working on a project for Montpellier-based start-up Oridao—has developed a miniature RFID tag for all kinds of metal objects, from those no bigger than a centimeter to those the size of a filing cabinet. Metal objects drastically diminish the effectiveness and bandwidth of the tiny antennas in RFID tags. Leti engineers came up with a […] >>
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