News : Innovation & Society

December 02 2013

MRI contrast agents now twelve times more effective

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A team of INAC-Liten researchers has developed MRI contrast agents that are twelve times more effective than those currently on the market. They used a novel method for encapsulating the active ingredient, gadolinium, which enhances MRI contrast—but is toxic. Gadolinium is usually encapsulated in organic ligands when used in MRI tests to keep it from […] >>

December 02 2013

The world’s smallest memory is Made in Grenoble

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Leti researchers have built a 16-nm charge-storage memory—the smallest ever cited in the literature. Until now, the most advanced memory systems measured 40 nm. Even better, the tiny new memory has already been demonstrated to work, offering the necessary temperature and cycling stability, not to mention low power consumption. The memory could be used for […] >>

December 02 2013

Telephony: an antenna that follows you from network to network

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Cell phone antennas are now so tiny that they can no longer adapt to different networks’ frequency bands, seriously impairing data transmission and call quality. Leti is working on a smart miniature antenna capable of adapting its impedance all on its own. The antenna already covers GSM, DCS, UMTS, Wi-Fi, and LTE; low 4G frequencies […] >>

December 02 2013

Jean-Luc Vallejo, ISKN* (iSketchnotemaker): “Crowdfunding put us six to twelve months ahead of schedule.”

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You raised $346,000, nearly ten times your original goal. Did that surprise you? It did! We set out to raise $35,000, hoping to maybe reach $100,000. But interest in the project was clear virtually from the beginning. We reached our goal of $35,000 in the first fourteen hours of the month-long campaign! Looking back, I […] >>

October 06 2013

Start-up incubation thriving at MINATEC

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The economic crisis appears to have spared MINATEC, where an impressive seven start-ups are currently in the incubation phase: Akrivis France (Lipidots), Hexagan (materials for power components), Infuz (data fusion), NatchIT (digitization of handwritten notes), Genel (functional genomics), OLED4Life (OLED lighting), and Enerbee (energy harvesting). The majority of these projects are spearheaded by local researchers, […] >>
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