News : Life @ MINATEC

October 03 2016

Maison MINATEC expands capacity

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The 450 sq. m Maison MINATEC extension—now open for business—brings the event facility’s total surface area to 1,350 sq. m. and boosts its capacity from 600 to 1,200 people. In 2015 the facility hosted 120 events and received nearly 40,000 visitors, figures that are expected to rise in the short term. With modular event spaces […] >>

October 03 2016

Grenoble Institute of Technology and STMicroelectronics partner on analog electronics certificate course

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Grenoble Institute of Technology’s continuing education course on analog electronics, which kicked off on June 1, counts 19 students, all employees at STMicroelectronics Grenoble and Crolles sites. The program was developed in partnership with STMicroelectronics, and participants will earn a certificate in analog electronics design, a real need for many manufacturers, including STMicroelectronics. The 126-hour […] >>

October 03 2016

Tomorrow’s engineers already entrepreneurs!

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In May, three students from Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma engineering school won the region’s Campus Création entrepreneurship award for their innovation: Oria, a ring that creates sound effects to accompany the notes played on a digital musical instrument. Since September, they have gone from idea to startup. For their senior year at Phelma, students […] >>

October 03 2016

2016–2017 academic year off to a strong start for Phelma

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Phelma’s 2016 incoming class has set new records in the common entrance exam rankings, rising between 100 and 200 slots depending on major. The school’s 2015 rankings were already remarkable! The total number of incoming students was similar to 2015. In initial degree programs, Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma engineering school admitted 363 first-year students; […] >>

October 03 2016

Interview: Jérôme Casas, Biologist, Tours University

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  • Research
In March you took on a new role: heading the Grenoble-based Instituts Carnot Chair for Bio-inspired Technology. What’s it all about? I’m a guest researcher, and will be spending at least 20 days per year on site. I’ll be helping Leti researchers on several projects that should ultimately produce demonstrator systems. The first two involve […] >>
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