June 07 2017

PUS improves energy yields at MINATEC

  • Life @ MINATEC
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Engie Cofely subsidiary Pôle Utilités Services (PUS), which produces and distributes MINATEC’s technical fluids, would like to reduce its energy spending by between 5% and 10% by the end of 2018—without affecting service quality and uptime, of course! In 2015 the company introduced a new energy management strategy inspired by ISO 50001, assigning an Energy […] >>

April 03 2017

Nanobiose strengthens ties with MINATEC

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Nanobiose is headquartered in Le Bourget du Lac. But since the startup signed an R&D contract with Grenoble Institute of Technology, its staff can often be found at MINATEC using the resources at CIME Nanotech and LMGP. Founded in July 2016, Nanobiose offers products and services to assess the potential toxicity of nanoparticles, nanodrugs, and […] >>

April 03 2017

Phelma Junior Consultants moving up

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Phelma Junior Consultants was audited in December 2016 by France’s National Federation of Student Enterprises (CNJE) and has subsequently moved up from “Junior-Création” status to “Pépinière Junior-Entreprise” (incubator) status. That leaves just one more step to the top, “Junior-Entreprise,” a move Phelma Junior Consultants expects to make in December 2017 or May 2018. The successful […] >>

April 03 2017

Five weeks of nanotechnology!

  • Life @ MINATEC
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Grenoble Institute of Technology’s 15th Summer School in Nanotechnologies will take place at MINATEC from June 12 to July 13. A cohort of around 20 undergraduate and graduate students from top-tier universities around the globe will attend. All classes will be taught in English by Phelma and Grenoble-Alpes University faculty, and guest lectures will be […] >>

April 03 2017

Atos joins Phelma Partners Circle

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Grenoble Institute of Technology’s Phelma engineering school recently signed an initial one-year partnership agreement with Atos, a leading international digital services provider. Phelma had been anxiously awaiting the agreement, as the school already counted Amesys Bull among its partners before it was acquired by Atos in 2014 and integrated into Atos Worldgrid, a smart energy […] >>
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