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June 06 2022

Memristors find new use in neural networks

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Memristors are used as memory. But what if they could also be used as the basic building blocks of spiking neural networks?LMGP and TIMA will be investigating this new use for memristors during a two-year MITI 80 PRIME project that is just getting started.They will be looking at a new memristor material, lanthanum nickelate (La2NiO4), […] >>

June 06 2022

Nickel almost as good as platinum for fuel cells

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Fuel cells with platinum electrodes are efficient but, because of the material’s scarcity and high cost, are not a viable long-term option.Nickel, much more readily available, could be used as a catalyst, but only if its efficiency can be improved drastically.A team of researchers from Irig and CEA-Liten developed an electrode with a nickel catalyst […] >>

June 06 2022

Electric vehicles fill up with GaN

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A joint lab formed by CEA-Leti and CEA-Liten has signed several R&D contracts for power conversion projects with manufacturers from the automotive industry since the EU H2020 Moduled project, which was completed a year ago.The 100 kW version of the lab’s Moduled gallium nitride (GaN) inverter offers four times lower losses, 50% higher frequency, and […] >>

June 06 2022

Smaller reversible fuel cells could be more powerful

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Miniaturizing reversible fuel cells could be the best path toward higher power densities.The Adfun project, a joint effort between LMGP and Imperial College London, is testing this hypothesis through two PhD research projects, one on new materials and one on advanced electrochemical interface characterization.LMGP will focus on an unconventional cathode material, lanthanum nickelate, which will […] >>

June 06 2022

Organs-on-chip could give diabetes patients new hope

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Researchers from Irig and CEA-Leti successfully maintained pancreatic cells called islets of Langerhans in culture on a microfluidic chip for a month and were able to measure individual islets’ insulin production. This breakthrough could improve the efficacy of islet transplants, a treatment given to some diabetes patients.Islets of Langherans are sphere-shaped pancreatic cells between 200 […] >>
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