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April 03 2022

A 2,500 km solar bike tour through the Alps

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GIANT is co-organizing the start of the Sun Trip Alpes 2022 bike tour on June 17, when 50 cyclists will depart from Y.SPOT Partners for a 2,500 km loop through six countries with a stop in Innsbruck, Austria and a final stage that will end in Lyon on July 9. The solar-powered electric bike adventure […] >>

April 03 2022

Celebrating two decades of spintronics at Spintec

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Spintec, founded in May 2002 with a team of twelve researchers, is behind many advances in spintronics. The lab helped drive the emergence of MRAM memories and spin-orbitronics and has filed more than 80 patents and spun off four startups, three of which are still in business today (Crocus Technologies, Hprobe, and Antaios). And the […] >>

April 03 2022

Soitec now a major Grenoble INP – Phelma, UGA partner

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Grenoble INP – Phelma, UGA signed its first partnership agreement with innovative semiconductor materials giant Soitec. Michael Fièvre, Director of Soitec’s Bernin factory and Phelma alumnus and board member (since 2021), helped get the agreement finalized after Covid-related delays.The purpose of the three-year partnership is to ramp up cooperation between Phelma and Soitec around degree […] >>

April 03 2022

LMGP Hires MXenes specialist

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Hanna Pazniak, an expert in MXenes, joined the LMGP nanomaterials and advanced heterostructures team in early 2022.MXenes, made by exfoliating precursors (MAX phases), are two-dimensional compounds that, depending on their composition, offer a variety of properties, from large specific surface to excellent electrical conductivity and elasticity. They can also be used to make functionalized and […] >>

April 03 2022

Magnetic microparticles could fight cancerous tumors

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For the past decade, two teams of researchers at Irig* have been investigating how to destroy tumors by injecting and then vibrating magnetic microparticles with an alternating magnetic field. One obstacle stands in their way: It takes too long to produce the perfectly calibrated disc-shaped microparticles. So, instead they used micrometer-sized grains of ground iron […] >>
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