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February 04 2022

Grenoble INP, UGA engineering students for the energy transition

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A cohort of 28 third-year students at Grenoble INP, UGA engineering schools—including three from Grenoble INP – Phelma, UGA—recently completed the first semester of a course called Piste to promote technologically-frugal and environmentally-responsible engineering*.We will have to rethink our production systems to effectively address today’s social and environmental challenges. This course does just that!Students take […] >>

February 04 2022

Spintec unveils high-potential memristor for neuromorphic computing

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Spintec recently completed a proof-of-concept of a promising memristor that could be used as an artificial synapse in neuromorphic architectures.This non-volatile memory’s resistance can have multiple intermediate values between a minimum and a maximum.Thanks to recent advances, the storage layer’s magnetization can be oriented and stabilized in all directions of the layer plane, rather than […] >>

February 04 2022

Augmented reality through almost-normal glasses could soon be here

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CEA-Leti outlined a bold vision for augmented reality glasses in three papers it presented at SPIE Photonics West in the United States, charting a course toward high-tech specs as lightweight and unobtrusive as regular prescription eyewear.The technology hinges on transparent silicon nitride waveguides deposited on a glass substrate.The waveguides would then be used to project […] >>

February 04 2022

Greenhouse gases could soon be monitored using LiDAR

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In research for the H2020 Holdon project, CEA-Leti developed a LiDAR for observing greenhouse gases CO2 and methane from space.Built with a III-V (HgCdTe) detector and CMOS read circuit, the device’s operating range is between the UV and NIR spectra.With single-photon sensitivity and a dynamic range of six to seven orders of magnitude, the LiDAR’s […] >>

February 04 2022

The physics of stacked graphene layers is both rich and unpredictable

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When two layers of graphene are stacked, even the tiniest misalignment can slow electrons down or bring them to a halt altogether. The underlying physics is particularly rich, with the graphene behaving like a superconductor or, conversely, like an insulator!A recent Irig meta-analysis of around ten studies shed new light on these phenomena. The researchers […] >>
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