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December 07 2021

Everything you ever wanted to know about FDSOI in 380 pages

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CNRS Research Director Emeritus Sorin Cristoloveanu of IMEP-LaHC is one of the scientists behind SOI technology and the subsequent success of FDSOI substrates. His latest book, published by Elsevier, is entitled Fully Depleted Silicon-On-Insulator. Inside you will find a comprehensive discussion of the physical mechanisms associated with FDSOI, the characterization techniques specially developed for very […] >>

December 07 2021

Diabeloop shifts into high gear in France and around the globe

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Diabeloop obtained French national health insurance approval for its DBLG1 closed-loop automated insulin therapy device (DBLG1) in September. Now the Grenoble start-up and long-time CEA-Leti partner is training hospital staff so that they can offer the DBLG1 to their diabetic patients. Hospitals in the Île-de-France and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes regions recently set their first patients up with […] >>

December 07 2021

Neutrons supercharge fuel cell research

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Researchers at Irig recently co-authored a literature review on the growing use of neutron techniques in research on new energy technologies. The authors underscore the rapidly changing landscape, especially when it comes to fuel cells. Protons and hydrogen form the pillars of fuel cell technologies, and neutrons happen to be very sensitive to both. For […] >>

December 06 2021

Microfluidic patch can detect when cows are in heat

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CEA-Leti and INRASE are coordinating the SmartRepro project, which also includes PhD research by Juliette Simon, whose dissertation is on a biosensor that can detect when cows are in heat, just before they ovulate. Heat detection is crucial to timing insemination and managing the reproduction of cattle efficiently. Visual observation alone is only 50% to […] >>

December 06 2021

Monoclonal antibodies the subject of PhD research at Sanofi and LMGP

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A Cifre-financed Phd research project is investigating how monoclonal antibodies and the surfactants that stabilize them interact with the surfaces of tubes, mixing bags, syringes, and other containers. The research, which started this year, is being conducted at Sanofi and LMGP, and is building on an earlier PhD dissertation on this complex topic. Monoclonal antibodies, […] >>
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