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June 04 2021

Quantum: CMOS withstands very low temperatures

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In the future, quantum devices cooled to 10 mK will be used together with conventional electronics. Which raises the question of how well CMOS components, designed to operate at ambient temperature, hold up in temperatures close to absolute zero. To test out this scenario, researchers from Irig and CEA-Leti made hybrid circuits with the two […] >>

June 04 2021

Wafer-level testing of photonic circuits speeds up development

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Optically-coupled photonic chips cannot currently be tested at wafer level. Instead, they must be cut, packaged, and then tested individually. CEA-Leti successfully demonstrated an automated testing solution that removes this hurdle. A custom probe from Teem Photonics ensures very broad bandwidth and unparalleled measurement dynamics of more than 60 dB. It is capable of characterizing […] >>

June 04 2021

Bioimaging: quantum dots with fluorophore-like performance

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Regular quantum dots are more stable under optical excitation than organic fluorophores; however, the dots cannot be used in biological environments because they can contain toxic metals like cadmium and lead. Several teams of researchers at Irig are putting their heads together to overcome this hurdle. They synthesized core-shell quantum dots that contain three non-toxic […] >>

June 04 2021

Could the surfaces of semiconducting nanowires be the key to performance?

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When it comes to the performance of semiconducting nanowires, much progress is still to be made, mainly because the nanowires’ surfaces have not been optimized. LMGP, IMEP-LaHC, and two Paris-based labs* are addressing the fundamental surface changes that affect semiconducting nanowires. Their work is part of the ANR (French national research agency) Scenic project, which […] >>

June 04 2021

NB-IoT: some adaptations for satellite communications

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One of the main IoT communication protocols, narrowband IoT, could, with a few minor tweaks, be used for satellite links. A recent study by CEA-Leti for CNES, France’s national center for space studies, leveraged simulation techniques to show that it is possible for a constellation of satellites orbiting a few hundred kilometers above the Earth […] >>
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