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October 01 2022

Engineering students assess their school’s carbon impact

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A group of three third-year students in the transition engineering program at Grenoble INP – Phelma, UGA completed a greenhouse gas emissions audit of their school for the year 2019.The lack of integrated data, especially concerning building construction and maintenance, did not stop the students from doing a very thorough job.According to the audit, the […] >>

October 01 2022

Gaelle Del Rey wins women in technology research award

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Gaelle Del Rey of CEA-Leti won one of three IRT Nanoelec awards for outstanding women in technology research. A member of CEA-Leti’s finance department, Del Rey is also responsible for the financial management of IRT Nanoelec programs. She won the award for her work at IRT Nanoelec, which includes recording and consolidating the financial support, […] >>

October 01 2022

QuantAlps: orchestrating quantum research in Grenoble

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Grenoble’s leadership in quantum research is undisputed. And a more coordinated quantum community could help push local advances in the technology even further.CNRS, the CEA, Inria, and UGA recently created an interdisciplinary research federation called QuantAlpes to orchestrate quantum research in Grenoble. QuantAlpes will support startup creation, incubate new ideas, coordinate academic degree programs, secure […] >>

October 01 2022

Altrans Énergies goes to Washington

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Altrans Énergies, a Grenoble startup that specializes in power distribution and equipment monitoring solutions, is one of fifteen winners selected for the New Technology Venture Accelerator*, an initiative of the Office for Science and Technology of the French Embassy in the United States.The startup, which already has a dozen pilot projects running in France and […] >>

October 01 2022

Consumers to test “Jules Verne” augmented reality glasses

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The glasses, which reinterpret the audioguide concept, were developed by theater company La Fabrique des petites utopies during its residency at the Atelier Arts Sciences.The CEA and local startups MicroOled, Akylas, and ActivMotion helped develop the prototypes to be made available for testing by the public at Experimenta.Visitors at the exhibition will be able to […] >>
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