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July 06 2020

Master’s in nanotechnology students go deep inside ESRF and ILL online

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The Covid-19 lockdown in France took some of the spice out of the Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma Master’s in Nanotech program this year. Students usually get to do lab classes at ESRF, ILL, and CIME Nanotech. The program heads came up with an ingenious workaround. First, they teamed up with ESRF and ILL to develop […] >>

July 06 2020

From PhD student to entrepreneur with Enhanced IoT

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Mohammamahdi Asgharzadeh, who was at IMEP-LAHC doing his PhD until late 2019, was one of the winners of the i-PhD innovation competition in early 2020. In April he moved to business incubator Linksium, where he has been busy getting his startup, Enhanced IoT, off the ground. His idea is to adapt a technology called “synchronized […] >>

April 06 2020

Until further notice…

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The global coronavirus pandemic has arrived in France, and in mid-March the nation went on lockdown until further notice, putting much of the activity on the MINATEC campus on standby. For the first time in the CEA Grenoble campus’ history, which dates back to 1957, all non-essential activities have been curtailed. Major laboratories IMEP-LAHC and […] >>

April 06 2020

Quantum many-body problem solved to order 15

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The finding is a major one for theoretical physics: Researchers from Irig, Institut Néel, and the Flatiron Institute (US) designed an algorithm that solves the quantum many-body problem to order 15. The quantum many-body problem describes phenomena at the atomic scale that standard approaches (“mean field approximation”) cannot model. One such example is the fact […] >>

April 06 2020

CMOS electronics and quantum devices get ready to move in together

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Digital and analog electronics could soon be sharing space with a quantum system on a FD-SOI substrate cooled to 110 mK. Sound strange? Researchers from Leti and Irig recently designed a circuit with these unusual characteristics and presented it at a conference in February. It is only at the proof-of-concept stage. However, it does meet […] >>
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