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December 02 2019

NeoLED heralds new era of transformerless LEDs

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You no longer need a power converter to run LEDs directly off of a conventional wall outlet thanks to Leti’s new NeoLED distributed architecture. The LEDs are organized into clusters of eight and are constantly reconfigured (in series or parallel) to align their voltage with the voltage delivered by the outlet. NeoLED does away with […] >>

December 02 2019

Spin-charge conversion: What could be simpler?

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An international team that included researchers from IRIG recently presented a simple, yet effective system for converting a spin current into an electrical current. They deposited aluminum onto a strontium titanate (SrTiO3) substrate at room temperature. The aluminum “pumps” the oxygen contained in the substrate and makes it conductive. The spin built up in the […] >>

October 01 2019

Turn any bike into an electric bike in just fifteen minutes

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You don’t need to be a DIY expert to install the Gboost electric bike conversion kit! Developed by local startup E-Bike Lite, the ultra-lightweight (950-gram) kit can be installed on any bike with just a single screw. The innovation is an invention of Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma faculty member and GIPSA-Lab scientist Dominique Houzet and […] >>

October 01 2019

How to read and modify a quantum bit, step by step

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A team of researchers from Grenoble (IRIG, Leti, and CNRS) made headlines in 2016 with the world’s first FDSOI qubit device—based on holes rather than electrons—made on a 300 mm CMOS fab line. Now they can read the state of the qubit, too. The researchers used a screen-grid reflectometry method, applying microwave signals to the […] >>

October 01 2019

BHT2: MINATEC Entreprises exceeds targets

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Construction on the BHT2 building was completed last spring, and startup Prophesee moved its R&D department into a 154 sq. m space at the end of September. Prophesee’s R&D team will be working on the integration of its neuromorphic vision technology into autonomous vehicles in partnership with Leti.   eLichens and Diabeloop to move in […] >>
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