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April 01 2019

Interview: Jérôme Garin, Director, IRIG

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Jérôme Garin, Director, IRIG*: “We are working together to address interdisciplinary topics”   INAC, BIG, and IBS merged to form IRIG in early 2019. What is the rationale behind the change? The idea is to scale up, raise our profile, and present a unified front to our partners like CNRS and the University. With a […] >>

April 01 2019

MINATEC startups raised more than €125 million in 2018

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When it comes to fundraising, 2018 will go down in the books as a record year. Ten MINATEC startups raised €30 million in 2017. In 2018 nine startups raised more than €125 million. Three of the startups (Isorg, Aledia, and Kalray, which went public last June) raised more than €20 million each. The six others […] >>

April 01 2019

Getting closer to denser, more energy-efficient RRAM memory

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A team of researchers from Leti working in partnership with Stanford University recently developed a resistive RRAM memory technology with 2.5 times the storage density of conventional flash memory. Instead of using binary coding (high or low resistivity), information can now be assigned five different values. This advance was made possible by materials and read/write […] >>

April 01 2019

AIDS vaccine: Lipidots® open the door to a novel approach

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Researchers from Leti, CEA Sciences, and INSERM injected Lipidots® (lipid-based nanoparticles) containing the p24 protein of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) into an animal model and obtained a robust and complete immune response. Lipidots® were created by Leti and CNRS in 2006 to encapsulate and deliver drugs or fluorescent chemical compounds to “target” cells. The […] >>

April 01 2019

Morphosense raises €2 million in fresh capital

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Startup Morphosense just reached a major milestone in its development, raising €2 million from three investors, including Bouygues Construction. The company will grow from eleven to sixteen employees this year and will complete development work on the second incarnation of its product, Neuron. Morphosense will also continue to work with Leti on machine learning. The […] >>
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