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April 01 2019

Retina: 3D-integrated image processing

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Researchers from Leti made a significant technological advance when they completed the 3D integration of a 1024 x 768 pixel imager and a 192 multicore-processor chip. The two components are stacked and physically and electrically connected by direct bonding of their metal layers. The pixels integrate the read and scan electronics. The 3D assembly enables […] >>

April 01 2019

Three potential new pathways to augmented reality glasses

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So far, augmented reality glasses have failed to live up to their promises: They are bulky, their field of view is limited, and they are not bright enough to be used outdoors. Leti is working to overcome these limitations through three targeted R&D projects. First, the institute is developing a 853 x 500 pixel, three-micron-pitch […] >>

April 01 2019

Changing the magnetic chirality of skyrmions

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The skyrmion—a magnetic quasiparticle measuring just a few nanometers—continues to garner great interest in the world of spintronics. Researchers from Spintec, Institut Néel, and LSPM* recently demonstrated that the interaction that sets skyrmion chirality (or spin direction) is modulated in a linear manner by lattice tension. If the tensions studied are extrapolated further, it appears […] >>

April 01 2019

3D-Onochip project reports first findings

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The 3D-Onochip* project (run by two industrial companies and two Grenoble Institute of Technology labs** and backed by the French Single Interministerial Fund) recently reached an important milestone. Microlight3D, one of the industrial companies involved in the project, successfully printed 900 x 900 x 300 µm cytoskeletons in 96-well plates with excellent process reproducibility. LMGP […] >>

April 01 2019

Neural networks: Keeping catastrophic forgetting at bay

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To effectively respond to situations they have never learned before, tomorrow’s neural networks will have to keep a phenomenon known as “catastrophic forgetting” at bay. Catastrophic forgetting occurs when a new set of data “overwrites” previous data instead of adding to it. Researchers from Leti, List, and LPNC* recently developed a novel solution to link […] >>
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