News : Research

October 06 2013

Manipulated images fool detection systems

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Using advanced image restoration techniques, miscreants can now fool detection systems into thinking manipulated JPEG images are the real thing. That’s the unsettling finding of research done by four engineers from Gipsa Lab and Peking University, who won the Best Paper Award at a June conference. Existing detection systems work by spotting statistical “footprints” left […] >>

October 06 2013

Dye-sensitized solar cells achieve over 10% yields

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With a 10.2% energy conversion yield versus 6% for the previous generation, the dye-sensitized solar cells developed by INAC researchers have set a new standard. Their solar cells use organic dyes with an absorption coefficient some three times greater than those used in conventional dye-sensitized solar cells. And their organic dyes don’t contain ruthenium, an […] >>

October 06 2013

Bacteria stand out under ultra-sensitive NMR

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Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP)—which increases the sensitivity of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) by anywhere from 10 to 1,000 times—is once again making headlines. It was used by scientists from INAC and IBS to observe the cell walls of living bacteria, versus the conventional technique of looking at wall samples taken from a cell. This breakthrough […] >>

October 06 2013

Gold nanoparticles help fight brain tumors

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Imagine eradicating brain tumors by injecting them with gold nanoparticles and activating the particles with synchrotron radiation. That’s the groundbreaking new approach being developed at ESRF by researchers from INAC and INSERM. They successfully tested the new procedure on rodents, improving survival rates significantly compared with a control group treated with radiation alone. Because the […] >>

October 06 2013

Non-destructive surface testing goes 50 nm deep

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In a world first, a team of French and Danish researchers from Leti and STMicroelectronics successfully performed non-destructive testing on a CMOS stack layer embedded at a depth of more than 50 nm, locating it to within 10% accuracy. The team, working at ESRF, used X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy—a method until now used exclusively for extreme […] >>
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