News : Research

June 10 2013

Body Area Networks gain traction

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You’ve probably heard of people being equipped with sensors, like athletes who want to study their body movements or the elderly who receive remote care. But figuring out how the electromagnetic waves propagate isn’t easy, since the human body itself is an obstacle that can interfere with waves’ behavior. This is a major challenge in […] >>

June 10 2013

Leti teams up with Rohde & Schwarz on RF

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Rohde & Schwarz, a German manufacturer of radiofrequency (RF) test equipment, has teamed up with Leti to develop technology to improve its systems. The goal is to find a way to characterize the RF blocks (like amplifiers, oscillators, and frequency mixers) used in tablets and smartphones under real-world conditions. Existing characterization tools take into account […] >>

June 10 2013

iGEM team opts for an optogenetics project

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For the third year in a row, Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma students will take part in iGEM, the global synthetic biology competition held by MIT. The Grenoble team will consist of ten university students: four from Phelma; three from UJF; two from Mines de Saint-Étienne; and one student from the US (Louisiana) doing an internship […] >>

June 10 2013

Leti traces its SOI history in a new book

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  • Life @ MINATEC
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In a new book called Des Hommes et des Ions (“Of Ions and Men”), French journalist Isabelle Doucet tells the story of how Leti researchers—including Michel Bruel, Alain Soubie, and Jean-François Michaud—studied and revolutionized microelectronics R&D with their work on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology. The book is subtitled Chroniques d’une Aventure Humaine (“Chronicles of a Human […] >>

June 10 2013

Tracking down deposits on artery walls

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Can nanovectors be used to diagnose and treat atheromas—the fatty deposits on artery walls that can eventually lead to a heart attack or stroke? This question is at the heart of the EU’s NanoAthero project, which was launched in March 2013 and is being coordinated by INSERM. Scientists will test five types of nanovectors including […] >>
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