News : Research

June 10 2013

BeSpoon sets a world record at 3,641 meters

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Locating an object to within just a few centimeters sounds easy—except when you are over 3.6 km away. But that’s what French start-up BeSpoon was able to do using impulse radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) technology developed by Leti. This range of 3,641 meters sets a world record based on emergency situation UWB regulations; the range based […] >>

June 10 2013

CERN chips employ Leti’s TSV technology

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Leti’s Open3D® integration platform has another prestigious contract under its belt. The platform was used to develop through-silicon vias (TSVs) for chips designed by the CERN and manufactured by IBM. The TSVs make it easier to assemble the ASIC chips used in pixel array detectors for high-energy particles, since they eliminate the need for filament […] >>

June 10 2013

Phelma introduces a work-study program for micro and nanoelectronics

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This fall Grenoble Institute of Technology-Phelma will kick-off France’s first work-study program for micro and nanoelectronic systems design. This program was developed in association with Grenoble-area high-tech businesses and was approved by the regional government in April 2013. The program will give engineers the theoretical knowledge and real-world experience to design integrated systems. It aims […] >>

June 10 2013

Aledia powers ahead at light(n)ing speed

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Aledia, a start-up spun off from Leti, has just crossed two important milestones. First, it has finished making its first series of LEDs on 200 mm silicon wafers—a breakthrough process that cuts LED production costs by a factor of four relative to conventional methods. And second, the young firm has raised €10 million of fresh […] >>

February 04 2013

Atom probe tomography getting closer to artefact-free 3D reconstruction

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Under the French National Research Agency (ANR) Aptitude program, which kicked-off in January 2013, Leti plans to develop artefact-free 3D reconstruction methods for atom probe tomography. The research will lay the groundwork for the future 14 nm technology node and its new FINFET architectures and FD-SOI transistors. Scientists will need new characterization tools if they […] >>
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