News : Research

February 04 2013

INAC looks at solar cell dyes

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KaïronKem, which specializes in custom synthesis, now sells a line of purely organic dyes (orange, red, and purple) developed by INAC. These metal-free dyes are the result of research INAC has been conducting since 2009. The dyes’ conversion yields still top out at 6%, but thanks to their high absorption they can cut the amount […] >>

February 04 2013

Clinatec continues to expand

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The Clinatec R&D center has completed the major renovation work necessary to bring its facilities into compliance. The revamped center is now fully operational with a team of 90 researchers. And the center recently scored a big win with successful toxicology testing on Protool, a surgical instrument that can capture tissue (healthy or cancerous) for […] >>

February 04 2013

Mobile telephony: Leti looking at 5G

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The future 5G mobile telephony standard will probably not be operational until 2020. However, Leti—which recently completed two EU-funded research projects on “post 4G” technology—is already shaping tomorrow’s 5G with partners like France Telecom, Alcatel-Lucent, Vodafone, Sagem, and Nokia Siemens Networks. BeFemto, the first “post 4G” project, looked at femtocell systems, which will one day […] >>

February 04 2013

CEA Tech regional offices on the front lines

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CEA Tech’s regional branches in Nantes, Bordeaux, and Toulouse have been working hard since early January to build ties with the academic and business communities in their regions. All three regional branches quickly found office space. The branches are headed by Xavier Apolinarski (LIST), Serge Rimlinger (Liten), and Nicolas Sillon (Leti). More than 80 CEA […] >>

February 04 2013

CEA-Grenoble to host KETs Summit on February 7, 2013

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The Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) Summit—to be held at CEA-Grenoble on February 7, 2013—aims to spur crucial programs to get Europe back to economic growth and competitiveness, and to get politicians on board. The summit is being co-sponsored by French Minister of Higher Education and Research Geneviève Fioraso and French Minister of Industrial Renewal Arnaud […] >>
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