News : Research

December 03 2012

Electric arcs soon to be detected acoustically

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Detecting electric arcs in the high-power batteries used in electric vehicles (300 V−400 V, 50 kW−80 kW) is a real challenge, since current and voltage fluctuations tend to interfere with the fleeting signals. However, a team of researchers from Leti, Liten, and GIPSA-Lab may have found the solution in a patented acoustic detection method that […] >>

December 03 2012

Ultra-wideband and RFID make a winning combination

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Leti researchers are getting ready to transfer to industry a new wireless communication system that combines ultra-wideband and RFID technology. The new system can transfer data between a mobile phone and a RFID tag at an impressive rate of 100 Mb/s, while using just a few mW of power. Data are stored locally, so users […] >>

December 03 2012

Wireless sensors poised to improve transportation safety

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Wireless technology could soon replace the cumbersome cables in airplanes’ safety systems and in cars’ ABS and anti-skid systems thanks to a Leti innovation: a miniature 2-cm antenna for 868 MHz UHF frequencies. Leti researchers are now looking at how this antenna can be used for signal propagation in cars and airplanes. The researchers developed […] >>

December 03 2012

Phase-change memory now requires less current

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Phase-change memory is a type of fast, cheap, and non-volatile memory whose only drawback is its high programming current requirement, which limits miniaturization potential and maximum density. However, Leti researchers have obtained promising results from a new “confined structure” phase-change memory architecture that allows for 50 nm chips—substantially smaller than the 300 nm currently available […] >>

December 03 2012

3D packaging: Leti unveils a test pattern library

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Leti now offers partner businesses and universities an expansive library of 3D test patterns, built from the laboratory’s years of research on 3D stacking technology. The library can be used to test the performance of various interconnections and check compliance with specifications—from the very outset. The patterns can be used to test through-silicon vias (TSVs), […] >>
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