News : Research

December 06 2021

Microfluidic patch can detect when cows are in heat

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CEA-Leti and INRASE are coordinating the SmartRepro project, which also includes PhD research by Juliette Simon, whose dissertation is on a biosensor that can detect when cows are in heat, just before they ovulate. Heat detection is crucial to timing insemination and managing the reproduction of cattle efficiently. Visual observation alone is only 50% to […] >>

December 06 2021

Monoclonal antibodies the subject of PhD research at Sanofi and LMGP

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A Cifre-financed Phd research project is investigating how monoclonal antibodies and the surfactants that stabilize them interact with the surfaces of tubes, mixing bags, syringes, and other containers. The research, which started this year, is being conducted at Sanofi and LMGP, and is building on an earlier PhD dissertation on this complex topic. Monoclonal antibodies, […] >>

December 06 2021

Larger defect-free graphene layers produced

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Irig and ESRF recently attracted the attention of the global nanoelectronics community when they produced defect-free single-crystal graphene layers measuring several square millimeters. The tiny layers are a million times larger than the square micron commonly obtained until now! The researchers did it by growing the 2D material on liquid copper at 1,100 °C rather […] >>

December 06 2021

Copper oxide could be a candidate for tomorrow’s solar cells

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In theory, copper oxide (Cu2O) offers yields as high as crystalline silicon, plus it is non-toxic and relatively abundant. So why isn’t it used to make solar cells?Currently, the best yields obtained on the material are still far from what is theoretically possible. Plus, these yields have been observed only under vacuum or high temperatures.Researchers […] >>

December 06 2021

Shedding new light on acute stress

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A CEA-Leti PhD candidate collaborated with scientists from Gipsa-Lab and the UGA psychology and neurocognition laboratory to determine whether or not acute stress can be detected and assessed using an explainable and interpretable “white box” method. Over the course of the three-year project, they came up with a method leveraging more robust algorithms than those […] >>
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