News : Research

June 01 2012

Understanding the shape of red blood cells

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Why do some hollow biological objects (like red blood cells and pollen grains) lose their rounded form to take on a variety of multi-faceted shapes? To find out, scientists at INAC—in association with two other laboratories—carried out a series of experiments using water-filled gel-phase membrane vesicles ranging from 1 to 15 microns in diameter. The […] >>

June 01 2012

Cleaner graphene powder has arrived

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INAC researchers have developed an improved graphite exfoliation process that generates a graphene powder totally free of any type of metallic or organic contamination. Graphite exfoliation is the most commonly used method for making graphene powder in quantities ranging from grams to kilograms, and INAC’s new, patent-pending process eliminates a major bias that had been […] >>

June 01 2012

Grenoble nanowires take center stage in Atlanta

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A second-year PhD student from IMEP-LAHC is currently performing a six-month research assignment under Dr. Zhong Lin Wang at Georgia Tech in the United States. Dr. Wang is a pioneer in the application of nanowires’ piezoelectric proprieties, and is working to use nanowires developed in Grenoble in systems for harvesting mechanical energy. The project with […] >>

June 01 2012

Silicon micro-needles deliver painless injections

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Painful vaccinations will become a thing of the past thanks to a clever new invention from Swiss medical device maker Debiotech. The company is working with Leti to develop a process for making silicon micro-needles that are only 700 microns long, preventing the needle from reaching the nerves in the dermis while boosting injection efficacy; […] >>

June 01 2012

Leti unveils a 10 Gb/s integrated transmitter-on-silicon

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Leti and III-V Lab have marked a major step forward in silicon photonics by combining onto a single chip a hybrid laser (III-V materials and silicon) with 9-nm wavelength tunability and a silicon modulator. Conventionally, the laser sources for photonic components are fabricated separately and transferred onto the substrate, which complicates the process and results […] >>
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