News : Research
June 04 2021
Bioimaging: quantum dots with fluorophore-like performance
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- Research
Regular quantum dots are more stable under optical excitation than organic fluorophores; however, the dots cannot be used in biological environments because they can contain toxic metals like cadmium and lead. Several teams of researchers at Irig are putting their heads together to overcome this hurdle. They synthesized core-shell quantum dots that contain three non-toxic […] >>
June 04 2021
Could the surfaces of semiconducting nanowires be the key to performance?
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- Research
When it comes to the performance of semiconducting nanowires, much progress is still to be made, mainly because the nanowires’ surfaces have not been optimized. LMGP, IMEP-LaHC, and two Paris-based labs* are addressing the fundamental surface changes that affect semiconducting nanowires. Their work is part of the ANR (French national research agency) Scenic project, which […] >>
June 04 2021
NB-IoT: some adaptations for satellite communications
- Innovation & Society
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- Research
One of the main IoT communication protocols, narrowband IoT, could, with a few minor tweaks, be used for satellite links. A recent study by CEA-Leti for CNES, France’s national center for space studies, leveraged simulation techniques to show that it is possible for a constellation of satellites orbiting a few hundred kilometers above the Earth […] >>
June 04 2021
Lensless imaging could make phage therapy faster
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- Research
Researchers from CEA-Leti, Irig, and LTM recently worked with a team in Lausanne* to develop a lensless device capable of reducing the time it takes to identify active phages on antibiotic-resistant bacteria at least threefold. The large-area image sensor (24×36 mm2) reads the optical signature of areas occupied by bacterial debris. The technique could be […] >>
June 04 2021
Antibody engineering: CEA project wins Sanofi award
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- Research
For the past several years, Institut Joliot (CEA Saclay) and Irig have been working together to combine their Polaris(MD) multi-scale molecular simulation and BigDFT massively parallel quantum chemistry codes. Pharmaceutical company Sanofi deemed the project worthy of one of its iTech Awards, and will fund research to apply the approach to an antibody-antigen complex to […] >>