News : Research

February 01 2021

ESRF revolutionizes imaging of human organs

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When it comes to imaging human organs, ESRF’s new EBS accelerator is much more sensitive and offers far higher resolution than even the best medical imagers. Proof-of-concept testing was recently completed by an international team led by University College London and ESRF. The results were impressive enough to secure $1 million in funding from the […] >>

February 01 2021

Fuel cells: Neural networks provide new insights into Nafion

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Not even the powerful beamlines at ESRF and ILL can accurately ascertain the multi-scale (nanometer to centimeter) structure of Nafion as a function of water content, one of the keys to PEMFC performance. Researchers at Irig found a workaround in the form of a convolutional neural network. They used nanostructure/water content data on ionic surfactants, […] >>

February 01 2021

Industrial companies look to unfalsifiable, shareable blockchain

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Blockchain, best-known for its use in cryptocurrency, is garnering interest from industrial companies. And CEA-Leti is currently very active on the topic, with IRT Nanoelec and EU projects in progress. Both projects are exploring how to embed cryptographic functions on a physical system like a robot. The idea is to certify the data produced by […] >>

February 01 2021

Bolometer-based detectors: SPICA 100 times better than Herschel

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CEA-Leti will soon finish fabricating its record-breaking bolometric detectors for the SPICA space mission. Designed by CEA-IRFU, the detectors are 100 times more sensitive than those on the Herschel satellite launched in 2009. These new detectors simultaneously measure the total intensity of cosmic rays and the intensity of each polarization component. Characterization of the first […] >>

February 01 2021

Magnetic 2D materials, the new path to skyrmions?

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Spintec recently teamed up with CNRS-Thales joint research unit UMPhy and China’s NIMTE to work on skyrmions. According to their results, the spin quasi-particles, which are heralded as the material for tomorrow’s magnetic memory, can be generated in transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) monolayers.   Their work focused on Janus MnSeTe and MnSTe TMDs: In these materials, […] >>
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