News : Research

October 01 2022

MEMS micromirrors could help automotive LiDAR systems “see” further

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CEA-Leti developed MEMS micromirrors for automotive LiDAR systems in research conducted for the EU Vizta project.The CEA-Leti micromirrors move on two axes—right to left and top to bottom—, reflecting the laser beam to effectively scan a scene for vehicles, pedestrians, and obstacles.The mirrors are controlled by piezoelectric actuators that slash operating voltage sixfold compared to […] >>

October 01 2022

Room-temperature laser emission achieved in germanium-tin alloy

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Scientists from Irig, CEA-Leti, and materials science lab C2N recently showed that a germanium-tin alloy microdisk laser cavity can emit at a record temperature of 32 °C. A tin content of 17% and a pedestal-type architecture that enables better dissipation of the heat from the stacked layers made the advance possible.Tin atoms are larger than […] >>

October 01 2022

Project to help patients with spinal cord injuries walk again

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Attendees at Leti Innovation Days in June had the opportunity to see a paraplegic patient walk with crutches. Beyond the wow factor, the video highlighted the encouraging results obtained by the CEA, EPFL*, and startup Onward since 2021.The patient featured had been implanted with two devices: the Clinatec-developed Wimagine brain activity recorder and a spinal-cord […] >>

October 01 2022

Microstructure of halogenated hybrid perovskites revealed

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Halogenated hybrid perovskites, or HHPs, have garnered interest for their potential as photovoltaic materials. New insights into these materials’ structural properties could shed new light on why their performance decreases so quickly over time.Researchers at Irig studied MAPbI3*, a leading HHP. They discovered that the deformation that proves to be so detrimental to the thin […] >>

October 01 2022

ILL investigates little-understood high-temperature superconductivity

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The mechanisms that underpin superconductivity at temperatures above 20 K are not fully understood. Researchers at Irig ran some experiments at ILL that could shed new light on a problem that has long confounded scientists.They observed, at the atomic scale, an iron-nickel-arsenic pnictogen superconducting at 50 K. The images obtained showed iron atoms organized in […] >>
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