News : Research

December 03 2018

Automotive switches: resource-efficient MPC

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Can automotive switches be controlled by MPC*-type rules despite the switches’ limited processing power? EFI Automotive and Leti recently kicked off a research project to find out. If they are successful, EFI Automotive’s future switches will deliver levels of performance never before seen on the market, whether it is in terms of speed, energy consumption, […] >>

December 03 2018

Spintronics gets new materials

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It turns out that electrical insulator yttrium iron garnet (YIG) is also a great conductor of spin current. The material also possesses non-linear transport properties when the current exceeds a certain threshold. Researchers from INAC worked with three other teams* to demonstrate the material’s capabilities, measuring spin conductance between two platinum wires on a thin […] >>

December 03 2018

Photosynthesis is better two by two

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Artificial photosynthesis systems present a major shortcoming: Their photosensitizer delivers electrons one by one while the catalyst uses them two by two. A team of researchers from Grenoble and Germany* recently found a solution to this problem. They developed a ruthenium-based photosensitizer that stores two electrons and two protons reversibly, similar to the plastoquinones in […] >>

December 03 2018

Bringing chronic heart failure patients home for good

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A powerful new remote monitoring system could track heart failure patients’ blood levels right from their homes. Startup CardioRenal has been working with Leti since 2015 to develop just such a system. This summer, the partners ramped up their collaboration by creating a joint lab to make improvements to a lab-on-chip leveraging microfluidics and optical […] >>

December 03 2018

Thin layer materials: Sprint project aims high

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LMGP is coordinating the EU Sprint project, which kicked off in September. The project involves a consortium of six academic research labs. And the project is an ambitious one. The objective is to develop a thin-layer deposition process for amorphous or crystalline materials that works at ambient temperature and pressure and that is compatible with […] >>
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