News : Electronics and microelectronics - Optoelectronics

December 14 2021

Functional fluids for discrete radio frequency applications

                                                                 E-Transparent – MATURATION Program                       Functional fluids for discrete radio frequency applications R&D CDD  – Post-doctorate : Start : 01/02/2022 End : 31/07/2023 Salary : 30-32 k€ brut/an Maturation Program – SATT LINKSIUM Application deadline : 07/01/2022 Project Description : The E-transparent project addresses transparent […] >>

December 08 2021

Using the low frequency noise of Semiconductor-On-Insulator devices as a tool for bio-chemical sensing

  Using the low frequency noise of Semiconductor-On-Insulator devices as a tool for bio-chemical sensing   Supervisor/contact: Christoforos Theodorou, CNRS researcher at IMEP-LAHC / 04 56 52 95 49 Scientific context: In the wide family of bio-chemical sensors, the ISFETs (Ion Sensing Field Effect Transistors) occupy a place of honor thanks to their multiple […] >>

November 26 2021

Terahertz Identification of Materials by Multispectral

Master internship – 2021-2022 TIMMING PROJECT TITLE: Terahertz Identification of Materials by Multispectral  Imaging   Laboratory: IMEP-LaHC (UMR 5130) Supervisors: Emilie Hérault/Maxime Bernier Phone: E-mail: emilie.herault@univ-smb. fr / Context and objectives: The field of terahertz waves (THz = 1000 GHz) is very promising for the detection of substances[1] and materials, for security purposes […] >>

November 19 2021

Measurement system for millimeter-wave antenna characterization

Master 1 training period / 2022 Measurement system for millimeter-wave antenna characterization at IMEP-LAHC Laboratory: IMEP-LaHC – MINATEC – Grenoble     Supervisors / contacts: Pascal XAVIER (scientific supervisor) Phone: 04 56 52 95 69 Nicolas CORRAO (technical support) Phone: 04 56 52 94 69 Context and objectives: The constant development of communication […] >>

November 04 2021

Silicon on insulator sensors based on out-of-equilibrium reading for in-liquid applications

Silicon on insulator sensors based on out-of-equilibrium reading for in-liquid applications Laboratory: IMEP-LAHC     Internship duration and period: 4-6 months, between February 2022 to July 2022. Advisor: Irina Ionica, Context/objectives: In the wide family of bio-chemical sensors, the ISFETs (Ion Sensing Field Effect Transistors) occupy a place of honor thanks to their multiple […] >>
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