News : Electronics and microelectronics - Optoelectronics

October 28 2021

Integrated photonic glucose sensor with in-situ temperature monitoring

Master thesis /Master Recherche/PFE (5 to 6 months) Integrated photonic glucose sensor with in-situ temperature monitoring The detection of glucose in water solutions plays an important role in many contexts. For instance, glucose sensors routinely monitor patient conditions in the management of diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, they find a wide range of applications for quality control […] >>

October 15 2021

Electromagnetic characterizations of saline solutions with an open-ended coaxial probe in high frequency domain

                                                                                                          M2 Training period subject 2021-2022 TITLE: Electromagnetic characterizations of saline solutions with an open-ended coaxial probe in high frequency domain. Laboratory: IMEP-LAHC and LOCIE Supervisors: Thierry Lacrevaz and Anne-Laure Perrier Phone: 04 79 75 87 46; 04 79 75 94 18 E-mail: ; Context et objectives: Saline solutions as […] >>

October 12 2021

Simulation, development and characterization of piezoelectric nanowires

                                                                          Period : first semester 2022                             Simulation, development and characterization  of  piezoelectric nanowires                                                    IMEP-LaHC / LMGP/ MINATEC / Grenoble – France Keywords:  : Nanotechnologies, Nanowires, Piezoelectricity, Semiconductor physics, Characterization, FEM simulation.  Training: Very recently, the scientific […] >>

September 30 2021

Optimization of the recovery of critical materials in electronic devices by a microbial digestion process – influence of the design

ENGINEER or MASTER 2  training period – 2022                                           Optimization of the recovery of critical materials in electronic devices by a microbial digestion process influence of the design Keywords: Sustainable electronics, recycling; microbiology Labs: – Institut de Microélectronique, Electromagnétisme […] >>

September 16 2021

Highly efficient Terahertz devices for Nano-Electronics Quantum Technology

                                                                 IMEP-LAHC, CNRS, Chambéry, France          Post-doctoral position in Highly efficient Terahertz devices for Nano-Electronics Quantum Technology We are seeking for a post-doctoral fellow in the frame […] >>
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