News : Electronics and microelectronics - Optoelectronics

June 11 2018

Realization and optimization of biosensors based on SiC nanolines for DNA electrical detection

PhD proposal 2018 Realization and optimization of biosensors based on SiC nanolines for DNA electrical detection Scientific context : The fast and direct detection of small quantities of biomolecules improves early medical diagnosis of certain serious diseases as cancers and can be used to detect in situ the presence of pathogenic viruses or GMOs for […] >>

June 07 2018

Development of Innovative and Transparent Radio-Frequency devices based on Nanocelluloses – Silver Nanowires hybrid system

Project : E-Transparent Development of Innovative and Transparent Radio-Frequency devices based on Nanocelluloses – Silver Nanowires hybrid system _____________________________________________________   PhD Start : 01/10/2018 Univ. Grenoble Alpes – IDEX Allocation   Application deadline : 30/06/2018 Project Description Electromagnetic waves are present everywhere and are used in many devices for industrial as well as in everyday […] >>

May 17 2018

Theory, design methodology and experimental validation of distributed amplifiers in advanced silicon technologies

                                                     PhD POSITION                                                                                                                                                                                                         Theory, design methodology and experimental validation of distributed amplifiers in advanced silicon technologies Laboratory: Research will be done at the RFIC-Lab (under creation) Supervisor: Antonio Souza, Florence Podevin & Sylvain Bourdel Phone: +33 4 56 52 95 67 E-mail: Objectives: Distributed amplifiers […] >>

May 15 2018

Pseudo-MOSFET sensors based on out-of-equilibrium potential reading

Pseudo-MOSFET sensors based on out-of-equilibrium potential reading Deadline for application: the 1st of June 2018, beginning of contract: the 1st of Oct. 2018 Place: IMEP – LAHC, MINATEC – INPG, 3, Parvis Louis Néel, 38016, Grenoble Advisor: Irina Ionica (Associate Professor Grenoble ING),  +33 (0) 4 56 52 95 23 Context and objectives: In […] >>

May 02 2018

Structure–property relations for manganite memristive devices

CONTEXT Among the various emerging devices expected to replace conventional Flash memories, Resistive Random Access Memories (ReRAM) are currently attracting a strong scientific and industrial interest. Their operations are based on the switching between a low resistive and a high resistive state, which represents the two binary states. ReRAM devices have already demonstrated significant advantages […] >>
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